1.0 Introduction
Local government is an organ of the state put into the peddle the development activities of a particular place or district, with a view to making the impact of governance be it political or military being felt at the grass root level. It is seen as the “management of community affairs by the people of a locality.
In the worlds of Ogunna 1996, local government is form of devolution of the political powers of the state. It is seen as the political authority purposely created by law or constitution to manage local public affairs within the rural communities
According to Oyediran, et al 2001” it is local government in which popular participation both in the choice of decision maker and in decision making process is conducted by local bodies which while recognizing the supremacy of the central government is able and willing to accept the responsibilities for it decision.
The guidelines of the local government reform in 1976 defined local government as government at local level exercise through representatives established by law to exercise specific power within the defined area.
1.1 Background of the Study
In this chapter intended to examine the role of local government in the provision of Dunukofia local government area of Anambra state the following health care service have been provided by the local government to improve the rural dwellers standard of living, these include immunization of little children against polio, building of maternity home, provision dispensation and clinic. All these helped to the increase in the living standard of the community.
According to Ogunna (1996) and (1976) reform clearly mapped out the function of local government.
The category of function included health services such as health centers maternity centers and ambulance service. The federal government in an attempt to guarantee these functions for the construction of 1973 in the fourth schedule.
The expected ways of providing health care service by waste disposal creating awareness to appreciate the new to immunization themselves and their babies against killer diseases through the expanded programme on immunization (NPI) establishment of health centers in the rural communities employing quantified staff to manage the health centers. Their populate have always been neglected in this regards. The local authorities should rake aided step to retrace the situation.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The extent of the role of local government in the provision of health care service is predominantly determined the type of the programme being embarked upon the administration in the local government.
- Poor co-ordination: This is one of the problems confronting the provision of health care service in local government. There is know umbrella organization that co-ordinate the activities of health care services.
- Another problem confronting the provision of health care services in the communities is inadequate of fund, the inability of government to make funds available cripples the activities of health care services.
- This is also lack of comprehensive policy framework of health care services in the communities. This is supposed of article ways by which various manifestations of health care services can be effectively and efficiently tackled, so as to ensure sustained growth and development in the country.
- Inadequate provision of social services to the populace also as a result of improper training of health care personnel.
- Lack of cordial relationship between health care workers and local peace.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The objective of this study thus:
- To improve technical knowledge and skill of staff for a specialized functions
- To emphasize on the way to achieving effective and efficiency in the health care service as to improve personnel qualification in the health care service.
- To identify the problem facing Dunukofia local government in the vision of health care service especially when failed to adopt proper training of their workers.
1.4 Research Questions
In carrying out this research work, it is important and imperative to answer some question about local government impact or role in the communities the questions include:
- Local government being a tier of government responsible for local needs, do they trained personnel that can properly administer this services?
- What are the roles of local government in making sure that vacancies are properly administer to the people?
- What efforts have been put in a pace to make sure that the people make themselves available to be trained?
- In what way can local government make great impact of health care service to the rural dwellers?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study is particularly important and it is believed it will create all the necessary awareness on the issue of health care service and then help health care supervisor in effective decision making. When the populace in well provided for goods and service to the nation.
- Through the study more light will be thrown in order to make the meaning of health care service center neglected.
- It will help workers to work out more effective and efficient ways of letting the public know their health problems and formulating and executing programmes that will help them solve health problem.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This research is actually to ascertain in the role of local government in the provision of health care service.
Thus, the research selected Dunukofia local government area of Anambra state as where we could conveniently covered.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
It is not really easy to complete such a research work without encountering some difficulties.
Regarding these ddifficulties, the ability to get hold of needed materials as well as official document is not made in public because of a closed system of information in Nigeria.
Therefore this research work is seriously limited to a few available materials.
Money is also some problem some times I will not have enough money to transport myself to all the areas in Dunukofia district.
Bad Road Network:
This is one of the factors that were encountered in the course of this study, some of the areas were not accessible due to bad roads linking one village and the other.
Time Constraints:
Is one of the problems and limitations that have prevented us from making extensive research for facts because the time given for this work has been too short considering the detailed and challenging nature of the work, but irrespective of the above limitations this research work has been completed with the materials available within the limited time.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Some of the words used by the research in the study have been defined to enhance easy understanding of the research work such words includes:
To make somebody free from disease.
Advice or order the use of drugs by a physician
A person qualified to practice both medicine and surgery
The common people, the general public, the masses
Extent of legal authority to administer rights
Being negligent, initiating not strict or sever.
Any member of state except the supreme ruler.
Condition or state of ones body environment or the mind.