1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of Study
Literally, the church is a particular group of Christians who gather in a place for worship, fellowship and other activities.
Hornby (2000,193) avers, the church as the only true believers throughout the world, “All those who profess to be Christians.”
Morris G and Lois I Walking (1992,103) in their view holds that “A true Christian is a church In which the members worship Jesus as their Lord and savior”.
Etymologically, the word “church” is derived from the Greek word Kyriakon (doma) in Hebrew. Kirk Kirche, Meaning “Lord's (house), which in the new testament the word “Ecclesia” is used which means an assembly called together according to Hoehler W.A (1939,236).It is the totality of all those whom the Holy Ghost through the Gospel has called out of darkness into his marvelous light ,constitute of the chosen generation, royal priesthood, holy nation ,people for Gods own possession (1 Peter 2:9).
Umune(2010,1) is of the view that the church is the community made up of those who believes in God as revealed in the scripture and who unite for worship and service to him. It can be defined as “the body of believers that meet on a regular basis for the sacrament of baptism, the Lord's Supper and studying the word of God”.
It is characterized as the people of God (1 pt 2:9) the body of Christ is the head (Col 1:18, 24, Eph 5:15) which refers to it's spiritual and functional reality as well a bride, the temple of the Holy spirit dwells as Christ's body and as an institution. David C (2010,2).
Costas (1977,33) affirmed that the church is not only spiritual or communal in nature but also institutional specifying her role, activities, rites and goals etc distinguishing her from other society.
The purpose of the Church on earth is summarized in Matt. 28:19-20. Here, if they are not united they can not go in fulfillment of this commission to the world. Internal evidence dates back to the time of Christ's ministry (Matt. 16:16-18, Act. 2:1-4, 16:18, 1:8).
The church as the body of Christ is made up of various component parts just as human body. Each part differ in form and function from another with equal value and importance ( Eph:4-8, 1corn 12-31) Lawrence W Denef (1982,225).
The word “Evangelism” (Kalaggelo) meaning “good” and “messenger” proclamation and spreading of good news. Egbujo D. (2010,2) evangelism is bringing good mews about Gods son Jesus Christ who came into this dark world of sin lived under God's law Gal 2:1-5) without sin through whose death God was reconciling man to himself (2corn 5:17-21) giving victory over sin through his resurrection and ascension for all as many that believed to be save.
Evangelism is described as everything the church does, considering in relation to its impact on society.
It is an effective representation, penetration, confrontation, that elicits and demands decision on unbelievers, making them believes in Jesus Christ. Hyles (1962,54).There are several means of evangelism such as giving, mass media, magazine, hospitality, visitation etc. other forms of evangelizing to unbeliever are; personal crusades, above all, the most relevant form is group or saturation Evangelism, which should ensure approximate response by the people in the area.
A.Hornby (2010,1044), saturation is the degree to which something is absorbed in something or place. By saturation evangelism, we talk of the desire of the church to reach every person of a particular area through the spoken word, presenting them with the gospel by all means. The church is trained and mobilized to reach out to every one around them. Hyles (1962,82).
In the context of this study, saturation evangelism takes place when the churches in Umudibia Nekede, utilizes every means to reach out to every one around them both high and low, rich and poor, Nzes, Ozos Chiefs, especially their neighborhood by their lives and preaching. Making Umudibia get absorbed with the gospel as a goal they need to achieve for God as part of the body of Christ. All it takes is already provided to present Christ to everyone on the street, at home, offices, business place, school etc. this is the desire of God that all might be saved.
In the light of this study, to the extent Umudibia is affected into being converted,using saturation evangelism as tool is considered. The change it is expected to bring, given the eternal Kingdom agenda for people of Umudibia and God's plan of salvation for them is the study undertaken.
Though full saturation evangelism is not a determinant for conversion to occur in an area. There can be saturation without conversion and conversion without saturation. Hence conversion could be progressive or automatic in a man's life or in an area. Every unbeliever is a prospective convert. No seed, planted in a day, germinates the same day. some may require replanting,watering,weeding,shading, for it to start shooting out it's radicals.
So is the issue of conversion. therefore no one person wins a soul. Little wonder Apostle Paul wrote of a different sower and reaper, returning the glory to the one who causes the yielding and gives the increase(1con 3:6-9)Hence the fact it has not germinated now does not mean it will not, time passes over it(Hab.2:3)therefore a consistent,continous evangelistic effort should be made to ensure conversion of souls, especially in Umudibia Nekede. This work will be considering the challenge low response to the gospel in Umudibia Nekede.
conversion:the international bible society dictionary defines the word “conversion” as a turning from spiritual darkness to light and from the power of satan to God(acts 26:18) the only means to achieve this is by saturation evangelism which as many as believe, should be converted and in convention, a change of life is expected to occur which begins from individual to family an to the entire community. Though conversion on people is obtained base on the choice of the individual.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is as follows:
- To consider the reasons for no response to the gospel by the people of Umudibia Nekede.
- To profile workable means to reach the people in order to ensure increasing rate of conversion.
- To encourage evangelistic efforts going in Umudibia by the churchs in the area
- To encourage the churches to become extension of God's hand in the salvation of the people hereby reducing the possibility of been lost forever.
- To enlighten the churches on the reason for their existence and role in Umudibia
1. 4 Limitation of Study
This study is limited to churches in Umudibia Nekede as a case study for other churches in other areas.
1.5 Research Methodology
This thesis will made use of personal interview method. Primary and secondary data was used as behooves a field and library research work. Questions on the reason for low result from evangelistic efforts by the churches, not yielding expected results were asked.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This study will be centered only on churches in Umudibia Nekede in Owerri West local government area.
1.7 Significance of Study
This study will be useful to churches in Umudibia. The evaluation of the extent of fulfillment of their God given mandate in umudibia .This research work will open up hidden reasons why majority in the area are not converted ,which will reflect in their lifestyles and to the community at large.
The society will have relative peace as crime wave reduces as a result conversion in Umudibia and God's kingdom will be populated. Hence his will, done. (mt 6:10).
This research work will be called on by future researchers as a help tool for their work.
Finally this work will be useful; to the body of Christ at large wherever and whenever.
1.8 Definition of Terms
(1) Evangelism:
This refers to everything the church does, considering in relation to it's impact on society. It is an effective representation, penetration confrontation that elicits and demands decisions on unbelievers, making them believers in Jesus Christ (Hyles 1962:54)
(2) Saturation:
Is defined as the degree to which something is absorbed in something or place.
(3) Saturation Evangelism:
Is the tool in evangelism used by CEM in Umudibia in terms of church planting and conversion of souls.
(4) conversion:
The international bible society dictionary defines the word “conversion” as a turning from spiritual darkness to light and from the power of satan to God(acts 26:18)