1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The focus of this research study is on the challenges of information communication technology on organizational objective. Information is an indispensable resource in every organization. We are actually in an information era, as we had in the past; the agricultural era, the manufacturing and industrial era. Organizations activities get improved with time, accurate and pertinent information that help to make better decisions in every organization.
Information communication technology is defined as the people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute accurate, timely and pediment information for management decisions makers.
According to Ben Nwosu (2006:6) define information and communication technology device or application, including; radio, television, cellular phones, computers, network hardware and software which helps management decisions in attaining organizational objectives.
According to Wikipedia (2005;1,2) defined information communication technology as a role unified communication and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers, microwave as well as necessary soft wares, storage and audio-visual system, which enables users to create, access, store, transmit and manipulate information.
Information communication technology (ICT) consists of information technology (IT) as well as telecommunications, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions. Information communication technology is so vast in the sense that we now have ICTs in education, health care, libraries and even in manufacturing companies as PZ Plc Nig Plc.
Information communication technology is essential and significance for effective and efficient operation of any business venture be it traditional or otherwise. As finances is the life wire of any profitable business, so also is information essential to a manager for decision making process. It enables the people to know the expectation of management from them as they try to carryout functions of their duty.
The plans, policies, strategies and goals of the organization are made known to the different levels of manage net operations and workers through effective communication and feedback is obtained through communication.
The management function and other group activities are impossible without good information that can help in carrying out specific functions. It is through communication that management gives directions to its subordinates. It is due to the absence or poor implementation of the above selected importance of communication and information that lead the researcher to investigate the reasons for such poor implementation and also gives device a means through which the situation will be ameliorated.
1.2 Statement of Problems
The researcher after due consideration of the research topic decided to shortlist the challenges in the study.
- Management has failed to design standard communication channel In which information can easily be transferred. The organization of PZ Plc is vast and hence management has kept no attention on providing a standard channel of communication.
- There has been low compliance of workers in the organization. This is due to managers do not give clear and unambiguous instructions.
- Workers opinion are not been heard because of the poor information communication technology within the organizational system.
- Managers have failed to understand the importance of communication and as such have reduced employee participation in job activities. Most at times this comes from distortion and inadequate of information and has led to several ugly situations like strike action, work to rule and misunderstand. Etc.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
- To find out how management should design standard communication channel in which information can easily be transferred.
- To measure the level of workers opinion of the workers in management decision which affects them through an effective information communication technology.
- To determine how effective communication technology helps management to issue clear and unambiguous instructions to its subordinates for maximum compliance.
- To identify how employee participation in job activities can be increased through effective information communication technology.
1.4 Research Questions
- What communication design channels do the managers in PZ Nig Plc maintain in achieving cordial relationships with its subordinates as information is been transferred.
- How does information communication technology increase employees opinion in management decisions as it affects them.
- How does effective communication technology help the management to issue clear and unambiguous instructions to its subordinates for maximum compliance.
1.5 Research Hypothesis
- Ho There is no clearly defined form\\channel of communication between management and workers of PZ.
- Hi There is a clear form\\channel of communication between management and workers of PZ
- Ho Information communication technology does not increase in employee participation in job activities
- Hi Information communication technology do increase employee participation in job activities
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study is of immense and innumerable significance of the researcher, the case study of PZ Plc Aba and the society at large with reference to my successor in this filed of study.
To the researcher, the study will help the researcher to be alert of some certain organizations challenges in terms of communication and devise a means of overcoming them at ease down when they are encountered in future and also if serves as a partial fulfillment for the qualification of an award of Higher National Diploma (HND).
To the case study, this through infestation of PZ Plc Aba has aim of identifying the causes of performance in their communication system. Apart from this, the following will be examined to ascertain the true position of the statement;
- Analyze the communication network existing in PZ Plc Aba.
- Evaluate the challenges that hinder effective communication in the organization.
- To identify the communication channel already in use in PZ.
1.7 Scope of the study
The scope of this study will be limited to evaluate the positive impact of ICT in PZ Nigeria Plc Aba, factors that impede free flow of information in PZ Nigeria Plc, solutions to such problems which will be adopted in Organization effectiveness.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
Due to the present economic stagnation in the country, the researcher was constrained in cause of carrying out this study by many factors especially the following:
Insufficient Fund:
Finances are the major factors that limit the scope of the study more especially the fund to design enough questionnaires which led to the limited nature of the sample size.
Time Factor:
The researcher was failed with time shortage including much loaded activities in this short semester like, assignment, sports, departmental jobs and fast approaching examinations, all these contributed to the limited nature of the study below its expectations.
Nonchalant Attitude of Management Staffs:
The researcher was made to go to different offices in search of information that could have provided by the office, due to the above process, the information was delayed and sometimes the management was delayed and sometimes the management are students in allowing the researcher to source the information needed for the work.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Information: Information is the knowledge that can gather from sources such as education research.
Communication is the process through which information idea and belief are exchanged between individuals and corporate bodies through a common system of symbols either orally or writing. In this vein, communication is a process by which management issues instructions to sub-ordinate on how to execute their duties and obtain feedback by performance (B.O. Nwosu 2002).
Management according to MC Fasland (1979) is the process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate human efforts.
An organization according to Trewatha and Newport (1982:188) is a social structure designed to coordinate the activities of labor and hierarchy of authority for the achievement of common purpose of goal.