1.1 Background of the Study
Motivation is the study of what pushes and pulls an individual to start, direct, sustain and finally end an activity. For example, an achievement activity such as studying for examination.
Miller (2000) defined motivation as the study of why people think and behave as they do. It is a branch of psychology, which is concerned , with the understanding of the activation, organization and direct of behaviour. If actions that seem to lead to the same goal, such as food, are grouped together, it may be said that these actions are all energized and guided by the same motive (hunger).
Adult learners in Continuing Education programmes need to be motivated in one way or another to encourage them embrace continuing education programmes with devoted interest. Continuing education according to Houle (2003) is defined as the planned and systematic attempt to introduce, review, or alter the competencies of the professional performance of professionals. IN fact, Wong (2005) defines continuing education as all learning opportunities which can be taken up after full time compulsory schooling has ceased or ended. This type of education does not seem to have an end as long as individual adults are interested in learning new things, ideas or knowledge to enable them function efficiently and effectively in their societies.
The interest of adults can be captured to taking active part in continuing education programmes once they are motivated to learn (Wong, 2005). For example, making a continuing educational learning environment conducive enough for adult learners or participants to have a relaxed mind while learning, could attract more people. This involves making sure that comfortable sittings are provided for the participants of the programmes. The illumination or lighting of the learning environment can attract more adult participants of a continuing education centre. Adult learners are determined to learn even faster hen they are dully motivated.
Thus the instructor of facilitator of continuing programmes must ensure that the expected needs and of objectives of the adult learners are met as soon as possible. Jarvis (1992) maintains that the basic motivating factor for adult learners is need. If an adult has the need of any given form of skill or knowledge, he or she must develop interest genuinely to acquiring or learning such as skills and knowledge.
1.2 Statement of problem
Motivation has been identified as a great force in every human endeavor but the rate at which adult learners in continuing education and other adult education related programmes are handled seems to be discouraging. More often than not, adult learners are found to be complaining of being treated like children just because they are passing through some learning process. The problem appears to be complex as the organizers do not seem to have realized the negative impact this has on adult learners performance.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
This study is therefore set to determine whether there is a relationship between motivation and the performance of adult learner in continuing education programmes in Ikorodu Local Government area of Lagos State. Specifically, the study out to:
- Investigate whether motivation has a significant influence on performance of adult learners in continuing education centers.
- Investigate whether teacher’s attitude is a determinant of adult learners’ performance in continuing education centers.
1.4 Research Question
The following research questions were raised:
- Is there significant influence of motivation on performance of adult learners in continuing education centres?
- Will teacher’s attitude influence adult learners’ performance in continuing education centres?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following hypotheses were stated to guide the study:
- There will be no significant influence of motivation on the performance of adult learners in continuing education centres
- There will be no significant influence of teachers’ attitude on adult learners’ performance in continuing education centers.
1.6 Significance of the study
Specifically, the study will be benefit to the following individuals.
Adult learners would be the major beneficiaries of this study because they would learn a lot from the recommendations of this study an its outcomes. They would be exposed to the concept of motivation and achievement in school. This study will also motivate them to study hard so ass to increase their performance rates at continuing education center.
Parents would find this study of great benefit because it will enable them to have positive perception of motivation and academic achievement of adolescents. The recommendations of this study will no doubt help parents to motivate adolescents the more so that they would be of high academic achievement of adolescents. The recommendations of this study will no doubt help parents to motivate adolescents the more so that they would be of high academic achievers in the schools.
Guidance counselors would also see this study as beneficial and good because the recommendations will assist them to counsel people, especially, the adolescents who are having low academic achievement due to poor or non- motivation by either their facilitators or their parents.
1.7 Scope of the study
The study was focused on examining the concept of motivation as it relates to the performance of adult learners in continuing education centres in Ikorodu Local Government Area of Lagos State. Attention was paid to continuing education centres within the area.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
The study was limited to four selected continuing education centres in Ikorodu Local Government due to time and financial constraints.