1.0. Introduction
1.1. Background of the Study
The study is a modest attempt at a lucid explication of the role of local government Nigeria. Nigeria local government system has witnessed tremendous transformation since the introduction of the local government administration. One of the changes introduced to strengthen the local government is direct payment of their statutory allocation which was increased from 15% to 20%. In addition, local government audit was established in each state government to ensure proper utilization of financial resources at local level to check any misappropriation of public funds. Also all local government now has a common structure which distinguishes them from service department.
Local government at any level has some stand and roles such as the maintenance of law and order, the promotion of economic and social development. They are left with considerable freedom to act as the see and for the interest of local community. From this point of view, the government as agent of development is well placed to the help the rural areas to develop. These can be done by investing in social and economic infrastructure such as roads, bridges, hospital, school electrification and telecommunication. The other essential duties include rural and urban supplies, markets and libraries and also places of convenience, including those extra amenities which make for better life in the community.
The regulation of handcarts on the street, community and recreation centres, parks and open spaces grazing areas and the naming of streets and numbering of building are recognized as the responsibility of local government.
They also help on controlling the parks, supply of water, electricity and provision of road, water, transport and other trading undertaking by the state government which is specifically authorized.
The local government also take care of health orientation and supply of drugs, midwifery service, to arrange for health visiting and nursing home to provide facilities for vaccination and immunization.
1.2 Statement of Problems
Local government is expected to become more meaningful in facilitating development at the grass root level. Central to the achievement of these objectives is the financial viability of this tier of government. This point has been subtly underscored by “Dasuk Panel” on local government administration, when it observed inter alia that a good number of local government role could not be performed at all, due to variety of reasons principal among which are;
- Inadequate financial capacity
- Lack of necessary technical manpower and erosion of function particularly in the revenue yielding areas. By state government thus reducing the revenue base of the local government.
This shows that success or failure of local government depends on their revenue base, the fiscal resources available and the way these resources are utilized. The ability of the local government to generate substantial financial resources which is one of the tripartic goals of every local government in Nigeria. More importantly one is inclined to think that this is the point that can give an impact in breaking the vicious cycle of poverty of Ika south local government.
The researcher wants to identify the reasons for vicious cycle and offer a solution to the above problems.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
This study seeks to look at the contribution of local government development of rural areas in Nigeria using Ika south local government area of Delta state.
This research also aimed at identifying different factors militating against the effectiveness of local government and solution to those problems identified and it will be offered at the completion of the research work.
Finally, the study makes a modest attempt to fulfill this objective in the social and economic development of effective delivery of service to respective local population scattered all over the country.
It also make a recommendation on making local government and effective third level of government, the development and management of the human resources of local government.
1.4 Research Questions
In a view of accomplishing this research work effectively and perfectly, the research work poses the following question.
- What is local government administration?
- The roles of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria?
- How does local government administration improve economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria?
1.5 Significance of the Study
The need and importance of the research is obvious at a time when local government has come to assume an overwhelming influence on the process of political and economic development, it become more relevant to examine much more closely, the characteristics and dynamics of the three tier system of government and the major conditions that have landed to impede its capacity to promote development at local level.
The scientific study of this kind becomes necessary, especially at this time when the past and present civilian administration are particularly concerned about rural development.
Finally, this study will generally add to the growing number of literature on local government affairs, particularly on the role of local government administration to economic and social development of rural area in Nigeria, and making them more efficient and responsive to the needs of Nigerians.
1.6 Scope of Study
The research areas and dimension of study is based on only the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria and to the staff, teachers, businessmen, farmers in Ika south local government area of Delta state.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
In the preparation of this research work various problems were encountered and are stated thus;
- Non-availability of adequate resource material
- Inadequate statistical areas
- Lack of recording keeping by the local government authority.
- Lack of transparency
1.8 Definition of Terms
The following terms have been defined fro the purpose of this study.
1. Local Government:
Local government is an instrument of the state to get the grassroots to do government job as efficient as possible.
2. Development:
Development is a multidimensional process involving man his socio-cultural, economic, political and psychological relations among others. In his effort to master and subjugate nature and natural forces in his environment.
3. Council:
This refers to the organ that constituted representation of people either elected or nominated.
4. Social Economic Development:
This is a combination of social and economic development. It embraces improvement in not only standard of living and per capital income, but also high level of employment, reducing inflation, adequate food, high infrastructure, stressing values rather than achievement.