1.1 Background To The Study
The media (print and electronic) in Nigeria especially the privately-owned ones have always been strong instruments of sensitization and mobilization of people towards democracy even in the dark days of brutal military dictatorship (Ajayi, 2007). However, their reach was limited by such factors as government intimidation and harassments, logistics, limited resources and their elitist ownership and control. But with the widening of the communication media space through improved technology, information dissemination and sensitization of people now have a widespread immediacy and more diligent follow up of events. This is as a result of their easy accessibility and availability irrespective of social status.
Even with the cheapest mobile phones one can still access some social media platforms at reasonable cost for information, education and entertainment. Fundamentally, the media exists as an organ of information sourcing and dissemination, social enlightenment and mobilization. These functions set the media apart as an important factor in the relationship between the government and the governed thereby making them indispensable for good governance, the deepening of democracy, societal growth and development generally (Olujide, Adeyeimi, & Gbadeyan, 2010). However, the emergence of social media is a major phenomenon in the 21st century that has transformed the interaction, communication and sharing of information between people throughout the world in. Social media most often refers to as activities that integrate technology, telecommunications and social interactions, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio.
This interaction and the manner in which information is presented, depends on the varied perspectives and “building” of shared meaning among communities, as people share their stories and experiences (Wattal et al. 2010; Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010, p.60). Some of the popular and widely used social networking sites include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Blogs, MySpace, LinkedIn, among others. Today, social media have become a natural part of the everyday lives of people all over the world. In the past few years, social media have shown a rapid growth of user counts and have been object of scientific analysis (Wigand et al., 2010; McAfee, 2006).
For example, more than 800 million people worldwide are members of the Facebook network (Facebook, 2011) while Twitter counts more than 200 million accounts in total (HuffPost Tech, 2011). This development makes social media fantastic tools for communicating with large audience. The arrival of these social media platforms have continued to change the way people communicate with one another around the world. For example, mobile phone penetration rates, in particular, have resulted in a plethora of ideas for new media platforms aimed at bridging the information divide between the well-connected and the disconnected (Unwin, 2012, p.7). In addition, Internet-based communication has equally started to gain importance in Nigeria in particular and Africa in general. Both mobile phones and the internet provide exciting new opportunities for one-to-one as well as one-to-many communication.
The much reported rapid spread of mobile connectivity and services, as well as different forms of public and shared internet access like social media have allowed a growing number of people who may not have access to a computer or a fixed connection to take part in “the global conversation” (André-Michel, 2010, p.4). Thus, the use of social media in politics has continued to grow in many parts of Africa including Nigeria since the 21st century.
For instance, 2011 general elections marked a significant milestone in the use of social media for political communication in Nigeria. Motivated by President Barrack Obama's successful use of Facebook to win the United States elections as the first black president, Nigerian politicians are indeed, gradually taking their campaigns to the social networking sites and other online platforms. Within the election period, political aspirants were disposing of all means to gear up their support base, following the realization that electioneering requires more than just handshakes and physical persuasion (Omenugha, Ukwueze, & Malizu, 2011).
1.2 Problem Statement
The history of elections in Nigeria generally has afforded us the golden opportunity of assessment of the divergent roles of the media in Nigeria political process within the framework of our national political goal. The issue and question of education, information, mobilization and monitoring has become a very crucial factor in the realization of the national objectives in the context of the electoral process. This is as a result of the ugly incidences of various forms of electoral malpractices which have repeatedly threatened the possibility of credible elections and national integration in Nigeria.
Though the issue at stake is the responsibility of all stakeholders in the body politic, there is however, a rationale in assigning this responsibility as a primary concern of the social media on the ground of professional competence as the fourth estate of the realm. This is so because, social media as a community has had a huge impact on the people and a lot of person have confidence in it. It has therefore, become very important to assess the roles of social media on electoral education in Nigeria.
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
The study is focused on examining the role(s) of social media on electoral education in Nigeria; specifically, the following aims are highlighted:
- To examine the possibility of employing social media as a tool for electoral education in Nigeria.
- To examine the unique roles of social media in enhancing electoral education in Nigeria.
- To recommend effective ways of using social for a successful electoral education in Nigeria.
1.4 Significance Of The Study
The study will be of importance to the political participants as it exposes a new way of influencing the audience into a party ideology. To the academia, the role of social media will be explored for better understanding. Also, the study will be referenced for further researches.
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The researcher developed and formulated for testing the following hypotheses:
H0: Social media cannot be used as a tool for electoral education in Nigeria.
H1: Social media can be used as a tool for electoral education in Nigeria.
H0: Social media does not play a significant role in enhancing electoral education in Nigeria.
H1: Social media plays a significant role in enhancing electoral education in Nigeria.
1.6 Scope And Limitation Of The Study
The study will integrate different view on social media as it relates to governance and elections. The study adopted a national perspective, i.e it holds a wholesome view of social media and Nigeria politics. The study however is limited as it does not state the role of social media after elections, does it serve as a control tool or not. The study focused on its role in enhancing electoral education in Nigeria.
1.7 Definition Of Terms
Social Media:
A group of social networks interconnected in forms of websites, app and blogs that allows individuals send and receive messages, consequently disseminating information.
Something that has to do with election process
Electoral Education:
A type of education centered on election and electioneering
1.8 Organization Of Study
This study is organized in five chapters.
- The first chapter lays the background to the study as well as stating the problem of study and the hypotheses for testing.
- The second chapter is structured to give the study a literature review. This review is divide into theoretical framework, Empirical framework and the conceptual framework.
- Chapter three deals with research methodology including the research design, sampling method, Data collection and the research instruments employed.
- Chapter four seek to analyze the result, it is also made up of detailed analysis of data collected and presentation of information with the aid of quantitative and statistical models.
- The fifth chapter covers the summary, conclusion and recommendation.