1.1 Introduction
Labour management unrest has become common feature of Nigeria organization in recent past especially in the public sector organization including local government. Available records have shown even in their respective organization conflicts exist between labour and management in the past decades. The one in the present dispensation particularly as from 1990s appears to be more frequent while it is expected that labour and management should work harmoniously together for the achievement of common goals. This expectation is not always fulfilled in the real life, it is so because in most cases labour and management tends to have divergence views.
However, these divergences arise from the different expectation of the two parties. Taking specifically about the local government, the labour management conflicts is exacerbated by the recent development in the local government. The more likely to local likely, drindling “Syndromes) allocation to local government which culminated in zero allocation syndromes which has led to nonpayment of no salaries for up to 9-12 months of this has heightened the labour crises in the local government, the nature of financial management in the local government in the face of the ever binding resources worsen the situation as the political office holders appears no to employee. The foregoing situations have caused labour management crises over the years. Hence this study is out to find out in details the causes and consequences of conflict on both the local government as an organization and employment with the view of carrying out investigation on the findings.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
In any organization, crises are the number one enemy. This is true because no meaningful achievement can be recorded in the face of crises or unrest, it is however, disturbing that management labour relation in the local government councils in Nigeria has been strains all these year especially since the beginning of the democratic government on May, 29 1990 to date.
Studies carryout by many social scientist have indicates that productivity in the local government has not been efficient due to labour unrest. This situation is very dangerious, it allow contining vehicle unchecked because as we know local government is the closest level of local government to the people.
So the absence of tranquility between labour and management will highly affect this development of the entire society. This is carried out to check the problem.
1.3 Objective Of The Study
The main objective of this study is to analyze the causes and effect of 'labour unrest in local government administration while the specific objectives are:
- Identification of the cause of labour unrest.
- The identification of the consequences of labour unrest in the local government.
- To identify the nature of productivity of local government on crises too.
- To identify the effect of labour unrest on the development unrest in our local government.
- To know that recruitments process can lead to labour unrest in our local government.
- To find our and suggest the possible solutions or ways to reduce if not to eliminate labour unrest in Nigeria local government.
1.4 Significance Of The Study
This significant of this study will include the following:
This study is of great relevant to the management of the local government as it will help to know the causes and consequences of the frequent ‘crises’ conflict between labour and management in the local government and how to guide such crises.
It will also be of immense importance to the labour leaders in the local government as it will educate them on the causes and effect of labour crises in the local government not only on the local government but on them (employees) as stake holders in the local government.
Again, this study will also be of great benefit to structure and researchers as the findings and recommendations would serve as a good reference to them for further studies where it is needed.
Specifically, it will help public administration student who would likely be one of the local government administrators to know the strategies that would embark on to avoid this conflict beforehand.
1.5 Scope And Limitation Of The Study
Scope Of The Study
This study covers the causes and consequences of labour unrest arises in the local government administration.
Local government was chosen for the study covering from period between 1999-2010 with the motive of the getting ever reasonable information that will bring development of the study.
Limitation Of The Study
This study has constrained by financial frequency as one of the short comings, which prevented the researchers from getting across to the other local government. Another limitation was lack of sufficient time and goos access to enough materials. These are not withstanding available oe are made use of.
1.6 Research Hypothesis
In the cause of this study, several research questions have been made available:
H0: Null Statement
Labour unrest is not a major causes of non performance in local government administration.
- H1: Labour unrest is a major cause of non performance in local government administration.
- H0: Labour unrest is not a major cause of staff dissatisfaction in local government administration.
1.7 Definitions Of Terms
According to Kattenbach, Etal (1993) defined conflict as the struggle or contest between people with opposing needs ideas beliefs values or goals.
By Adekunle Aromolaran (1979) in his book modern economic for West African, defined unemployment is regard as the greater proportion of the introduction heads.
Economic Development:
By Micheal Tadoro (1982-407) is an increase in living standard improvement in self esteemed needs and freedom oppression as well as a greater choice.
Nwosu (1996) sees management as that art and science of using available resources men, money, material and machinery to achieve organization goals.
Max Breber (2002) sees capitalism as the ideas and spirit that favour the rational pursuit of economic gem.
Labour Unrest:
According to Arnesen and Eric (2007) defined that labour unrest as a term used by employers or those generally in the business community to described organizing and strike action undertaken by labour unions especially where labour disputes become violent.
According to web finance defined cause as an action or occurrence that brings about a change, effect reaction or result or provides grounds for initiating a legal procedding.
According to Akriari (2010) labour is an ability to work. Labour is a broad concept because it includes both physical and internal labour or labour is a primary or human factory of production, it indicates human resources.