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Community Development Project / Seminar Related Proposal Topics

Community Development Seminar Topics and 100+ Project Materials


This platform is setup for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in Nigeria and other Countries, who desire for related Project or Seminar Topics on Community Development with Materials in PDF or Microsoft Word (Docx) that will serve as a guideline towards accomplishing their final year research aim. Below is the list of available Community Development Related proposal topics that can be selected for proposal write-up submission.

How Final Year Research Functions
  • Select your preferred related topics on Community Development from Our library;

  • Write a proposal for your preferred Community Development related topics;

  • Present the related topics to your supervisor for assessment purpose; and

  • Finally, inform Us with the phone number below after approval to get the complete research material (Chapter 1-5 and References).

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Relevant Seminar Research Questions for Students

Can i Get Simple Current Job Commitment Research Seminar Topic?

We successfully found a topic related to your query, which is captioned “Influences of Occupational Safety Management on Employee’s Job Commitment” – Organization safety management is a function that hinges on the human resource department of every organization in the current realities of business life. This study looks at how safety management is used not only to promote workers well being, but as a way of increasing their efficiency towards their work and to motivate them in putting their best into their work and also to bring about all round improvement in their performance as related to productivity. This study also examines the impact of labour laws and legislation on the practices of occupational safety in the workplace and how best organizations have …

How can I get one of the best related seminar topics on Sustainable Development?

Our research bot has sourced out one of the best related seminar topic titled “Impact of Mode of Entry and Attitude on Undergraduate Students Entrepreneurship Skills Acquisition for Sustainable Development” – The study was carried out to examine the Impact of Mode of Entry and Attitude on Undergraduate Students Entrepreneurship Skills Acquisition for Sustainable Development in Lagos State, Nigeria. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to evaluate the impact of entrepreneurship skills acquisition on Undergraduate Students self employability and determine the effects of entrepreneurial skills acquisition on Nigerian Undergraduate Students. Investigation revealed that one of the possible causes for this lack is that the education in Nigeria addresses only output end of capacity development solving problem. In addressing the input and therefore, a complimentary approach is …

Do you have topics in Business Administration and Management (BAM) related to Brand Loyalty?

Finding research topics based on Brand Loyalty has been a recent activity of this platform. We suggest you observe this topic titled “The Influence of Product Quality on Brand Loyalty in Nigeria” – This study is about the discussion on the relationship between attributes of product quality with brand loyalty in Nigeria. It helps to extend the understanding of the feelings and effects formed as a result of the reception of quality. Result obtained in the study were different from the product quality based in the perceived quality (Extrinsic Attributes) was still found to have significant influence on the Brand loyalty this happened because the customer has developed perception that derived from high level of customer, awareness, good image, sales, promotion etc. by doing this only cap can be closed with a clear …

Do You Have Final Year Seminar Topics on Climate?

We have source out one of the best seminar topics on Climate, which is “An Assessment of the Perception of Local Farmers on Climate Change” – The research work assesses the perception of local farmers on climate change. In achieving this aim, the specific objectives are set out to examine farmers' level of knowledge about climate change and possible actions taken, analyze farmers' sources of information about climate change, analyze farmers' perception about the effects of climate change in the study area, examine the coping strategies adopted by farmers, and examine government actions in alleviating the effects of climate change. Climate change is one of the greatest contemporary environmental challenges and is global in dimension. The rising incidences of extreme climatic events associated with climate change …

Searching for a Specific Final Year Seminar Topics on Inventory Application?

Among the most important seminar topics related to Inventory Application, we found “Deterministic Inventory Model and Its Application to Mouka Foam Industry” – It is often necessary to keep inventory in order to meet with fluctuations in demand and also to avoid shortages that might lead to los of goodwill. Thus, most companies, to absorb certain fluctuations in demand strictly adhere to safety stock control. This approach could be the deterministic inventory which assumes that demand is known with certainty. The deterministic inventory model which reviews when to place an order or produce more goods was applied to a foam industry in this work. Empirical evidence therefore reveals that keeping inventory is an integral part of production and hence, production cannot be said to …

How Can I Locate Teachers Productivity Related Seminar Topics and Student Material?

After searching our library, we discovered that Teachers Productivity has one of the best related seminar topics titled “Impact of Teaching Practices on the Productivity of Quality Teachers and Sound Students” – The only profession that is committed to transmitting knowledge to any level is the teaching profession. It is one of many professions that specifically deals with the growth and development of the human mind. The type of information fed into the human mind and the methodology in which the information is communicated has enough impact on the development of the human mind. This peculiar kind of human-related job carried out by teachers requires competency and competency can only be achieved through consistent training and continuous practice. This is the case of teaching practice. This study was undertaken to appraise the impact …

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