1.1 Introduction
The design and construction of a 4-bed room senior staff quarter with facilities, this could be referred to as a building of any senior staff could stay. According to the description oxford dictionary it stated that a 4-bed room is where senior staff stays for their safety and be comfortable for the work. A 4-bedroomm must possess facilities and services which will make the staff safe and comfortable at any given time. Such facilities and service include plumbing services, electricity, carriage, dining, bedrooms, kitchen, lobby, store, good pipe born water, water close, bathroom, varrandar and electrical; appliances such as fan, portable size refrigerator, television and so on.
These facilities and services must always be in good working order so as to prevent an uncomfortable environment to the user. The objectives and uses of staff room with facilities include the following:
- To provides security, comfort and good working environment to staffs and visitors
- To provides health and social facilities to the staff.
- To provides opportunity for communal working team spirit and good interpersonal relationship.
1.2 Feasibility Study of Site
Before one begins to design and construct a building, one should carefully consider the implications of its proposed context, the building site. In federal polytechnic Nekede Owerri located at umuerim Nekede. It was found out that it has a good environment and site conditions which will be suitable for construction, habitation and for learning purposes. The site is located in a well site and healthy environment. The soil test carried out on the site using trial holes was found to be sandy-loamy soil which geological faults, poor clay soil undulating ground was not in existence. It was also found that there is no existence of overhead and underground service such as electricity, water service pipe and so on. Around and within the site so, in the construction of 4-bed room senior staff with facilities require, must be provided, in order to make the building conducive for the staffs.
Also good site and investigation of soil conditions and environment will enhance continuation of construction without any obstruction or malpractices on site. It will also increase consistency of work and eliminate unnecessary in the lost of production of the building, hence enabling the contractor to be aware of the exact operation to be carried out during construction
1.3 Factors for the Choice of Site
The choice of building site could be influence by a number of factors namely:
- Geographical factors.
- Climatic factors
- Economical factors
- Political factors
- Social-cultural factors
- Accessibility factors
- Environmental factors
1.3.1 Geographical Factor
This includes soil type, topography and vegetation. The bearing capacity of the soil ascertain from the soil type. The type of foundation to be adopted for any given structure is determined by the soil bearing capacity. The soil type will also indicate the case of drainage both for surface and ground water. The choice of machinery to be deployed to the site for clearing, excavations, will also be influenced by the soil type. Certain soils are so weak that building on them, without ad equates preparation creates adverse consequences. Topography which refers to land forms and ground slope will indicate the foundation type. The building form and the site drainage, site climate / wind, temperature, solar radiation) will affect the construction. The vegetation of an area will dictate the type of plant to be hired in the site.
1.3.2 Climatic Factor
This includes sun, wind precipitation and temperature. This climatic factor influence positioning of the building, it can influenced the construction activities. The investigation we carry out proved that the sun usually rises from the east and the temperature, wind and pressure on the site is moderate. Therefore, positioning the building, the front elevation should not be at the east.
1.3.3 Economical Factor
The cost of acquiring land in the urban areas is more expensive compared to the rural area. The economic turnover in both area vary. Building in the urban areas attracts more rentage than in the rural areas thus; the initial cost of land acquisition influences the choice of building site the cost of acquiring land can affect the client choice of building site
1.3.4 Political Factor
The land use degree 1975 vest constitutional ownership of all land in the state on the state government. The government has the right to allocate or revoke allocation of land for development of people, organization, government agencies etc. Layout has also been created in the urban areas for given or stipulated development, residential, commercial, Industrial etc. This land can e used to compensate political friends and victims of political enemies, it mean that people may be deprived of their intended site due to political inclination.
1.3.5 Socio-Cultural Factor
The land tenure system and the traditional made of inherent influence some choice of building site during our investigation, we find out that the customs and believe of Federal Polytechnic Nekede staff is quite encouraging and their law is not against the project.
1.3.6 Accessibility factor
These include the noise level; of an area and surrounding environment. Through the investigation, the environment of Federal Polytechnic Nekede is very quite Okay. All the factors that influence the choice of building site were taken care of.