1.1 Background Of The Study
An organisation will benefit from establishing an effective quality assurance monitoring system. The cornerstone of a quality organisation is the concept of the customer and supplier working together for their mutual benefit. For this to become effective, the customer-supplier interfaces must extend into, and outside of, the organisation, beyond the immediate customers and suppliers.
Quality assurance is the process of verifying or determining whether products or services meet or exceed customer expectations. Quality assurance is a process-driven approach with specific steps to help define and attain goals. This process considers design, development, production, and service.
The most popular tool used to determine quality assurance is the Shewhart Cycle, developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. This cycle for quality assurance consists of four steps: Plan, Do, Check, and Act. These steps are commonly abbreviated as PDCA.
The four quality assurance steps within the PDCA model stand for:
- Plan: Establish objectives and processes required to deliver the desired results.
- Do: Implement the process developed.
- Check: Monitor and evaluate the implemented process by testing the results against the predetermined objectives
- Act: Apply actions necessary for improvement if the results require changes.
PDCA is an effective method for monitoring quality assurance because it analyzes existing conditions and methods used to provide the product or service customers. The goal is to ensure that excellence is inherent in every component of the process. Quality assurance also helps determine whether the steps used to provide the product or service is appropriate for the time and conditions. In addition, if the PDCA cycle is repeated throughout the lifetime of the product or service, it helps improve internal company efficiency.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
There has been a constant quest by man since creation to improve on the quality of his life and existence, this ever increasing quest has been necessitated and propelled by the simple need for man to address the challenges posed by his environment. Some of the challenges associated with Phone Calls include.
1. Poor Quality:
The sound quality is not clear and sharp. There are noise and distortions when calls are being made.
2. Security:
Sometimes the issue of security of identity might not be guaranteed.
3. Capacity:
The digital network service cannot allow more calls to be handled at a time.
4. Tariff:
Depending on the distance within the country the service rate differs.
1.3 Objective Of The Study
The primary objective of this study is to design and implement a computer based quality assurance monitoring system. This will ensure that two important requirements are met:
1. The customers’ requirements
Confidence in the ability of the organisation to deliver the desired product and service consistently meeting their needs and expectations.
2. The organisation’s requirements
Both internally and externally, and at an optimum cost with efficient use of the available resources − materials, human, technology and information.
1.4 Significance Of The Study
The importance of this research work is based o the following:
- It will help to solve the problem faced by administrative and marketing department
- It enables an organisation to achieve the goals and objectives set out in its policy and strategy.
- This research work will equally be valuable for students who may carryout similar research in related field for reference purposes.
This will also assist other organization and system designers to completely design a computer based quality assurance monitoring system which will in turn make for efficiency, smooth and better performance of administrative activities.
1.5 Scope Of The Study
The main objective of this study is to identify a better way of designing and implementing a computer based quality assurance monitoring system that will totally reduce the problems faced by the existing system. The study is narrowed down to Etisalat Nigeria for the computation of Subscribers’ call and quality of service rendered. It was the range of perception or understanding which gave rise to the action taken in implementing the desired program, designed to handle pools of complaints, criticism and suggestions by subscribers. This will help in the effective and efficient tracking of information on subscriber’s activity as well as monitoring the administrative and marketing activities.
1.6 Limitations Of The Study
A number of factors militated against this project which poses some difficulties, they are as follows;
- Unwillingness of the respondent to release basic and necessary facts.
- Cost of sourcing of information from relevant journals, materials, Internet and respondents at the administrative area is exorbitant
- Insufficient material at the school library has also militated on the progress of this research as most of the books in the library are irrelevant to this study.
- The stress of combining lectures and research work has not being easy on my own part.
1.7 Definition Of Terms
For a clear understanding of the terminology and the following terms are hereby operationally defined.
These are voice channels that each call uses to connect on the network.
This is a device that works under the control of stored programs, automatically accepting, storing and processing of data to produce information which is the result of that processing.
Congestion is the unavailability of network to the subscriber at the time of making a call.
This is an electronic representation of your identity; it links an individual to a technology such as personal identification numbers, usernames and passwords.
Data Service:
The data service like SMS fax, offered by GSM makes things easier for people.
This is a single organized collection of structured data stored with a minimum of duplication of data items so as to provide a consistent and control of pool of data.
This is anything about which data can be stored.
Global system for mobile communications.
This is a fact about something and it also a data that has been converted into a more useful or intelligent form for decision making.
These are the network service providers.
This is a set of instructions that is written in the language of the computer.
These are individuals that are subscribed to the network and can only use the network services if they have the sim card.
Here, it means a computer system that is aimed or designed to provide efficient means of information storage and retrieval of data files.
This is a written account of something that is kept so that it can be looked at and used in the future.