1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Nigeria is a federated state with multi famous and multiplicity of ethnic groups whose norms and societal values varies in a book titled Authority in government: Nigeria and world politics, Nwankwo (1992) opined that a federated state is that type of government system where authority and power are shared (exclusively, concurrently and residually). Between two (2) levels of government namely, the central (national) government and component states government.
Nigeria as the name implies is the epitome structure of the British colonies starting from 1914 amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorate into one legislative council till 1960 when Nigeria gained its political independence and up till today. Through, the system is not that development oriented on the host country rather, for Europeans economic exploitative purpose.
In other words, the Nigeria effects to ensure development and good governance was masterminded on the constitutional conference held at London on may 10th and ended on 19th, 1960. It was as this confab that Nigeria elites sent a communiqué on issues discussed to the common wealth which on the other hand lead to Nigeria independence on 1st October, 1960
Historically, it was quite clear that since inception of leadership on 1st October 1960 till 2007 and general election, democratic governance of Nigeria has been in a like-up for instance, Nigeria has experienced a lot of pitfalls like insecurity of individual lives, incessant assassination, religious rivalries, bribery and corruptions abuse of power, trust position, politics of Godfathers, appointment of mediocrity in piloting public affairs, Falsification of electoral results by INEC officers, intimidation of voter etc. also, the administration till data, has not ensured a notable achievement in the country due to no emerged government had established effective ways of checkmating the public officers in piloting the public affairs.
It was therefore noted that, Nigeria since 1960 till data has experienced Nine (9) military plotted coups, which ruin the democratic governance of the country. The worse is that, the exercise does not significantly altered the structure of Nigeria national development or provide panacea for the stoppage of electoral malpractices.
However, this research work is aimed at examining fulgamental ways through which democratic governance can be enhanced in Nigeria with the view of free and fair election.
1.2 Statement of Problem
It has always be argued that there has never been any free and fair election in the history of Nigeria elections of which that of 2007 and 2011 was inclusive for example, four (4) successful elections-federal election crisis 1964, Western Nigeria election 1965 General election riggings 1983, and unsuccessful implementation of the transition programme June 12, 1993 presidential election.
More so, there was an opinion that the election was engulfed with political turmoil, incessant assassination of lives and properties, Godfather politics, insecurity of ballot boxes to be filled with ballot papers by party faithfully, falsification of electoral results by the INEC officers, lateness in arrival of ballot elections materials to different poling centers and voters, intimidations during voting process. The political killings of Nigerians for instance, the killing of Chief Anthony Olufunso Williams, PDP state governorship aspirants in Lagos State, Dr Ayodji Daramola PDP state governorship aspirant in Ekiti State, and among others.
Although the tribunal is set —up under electoral Act to adjudicate over vote rigging and other electional malpractice in the country but the fact is that, sentiments and personal prejudices often occur in their verdicts beyond the tribunal verdicts the court (Appllate court) may quash the judgment passed by the tribunal in favour of a particular party. Thus when such verdicts are passed, it may lead to state of anarchy and mistrust on the government by the masses.
In addition, any administration whose election is not free and fair, as experience had shown, the democratic governance of regime will generally lead to:
- No sentiment of popular consent and participation in public affairs. The people feel that they have not been consulted, and have not indicated their wishes in the board field of national policy and are therefore, not willing to accept the legitimacy of the power exercise by the electoral system.
- It will also be impossible for one government to succeed another in an orderly manner if it occurs, it must be with violence or bloodshed.
- It leads to irresponsibility of the government to the people politicians dare become too out of touch with public opinion.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The bedrock of establishing every transitional civilization is to enhance good governance. Therefore, it became pertinent to note that no democratic dispensation stays long without a rooted free and fair election. It was based on this assertion or hindsight that this research work intends to achieve.
1.4 Research Question
In the effort to accomplish this research work perfectly, the researcher presents the following question.
- Was 2007 and 2011 general election free and fair?
- What are the causes of election malpractice?
- What are the resultant effects of election malpractices?
- What are the importance when election is free and fair?
1.5 Statement of Hypothesis
- Hi: Free and fair election is necessary for achieving democracy in Nigeria
- Ho: Free and fair election is not necessary for achieving democracy in Nigeria
- Hi: The level of attainment of good governance in any democratic dispensation depends on the type of government institutionalized
- Ho: The level of attainment of good governance in any democratic dispensation does not depend on the type of government institutionalized.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The significance of the study is principal to the effect that, it will add to the body of existing literature on government and politics of Nigeria
Secondly, the findings or investigation will go a long way in restricting the pattern of Nigeria politics and ensure national inauguration and development.
Thirdly, it will also provide useful information and data for students researchers and practitioners of political science, public administration and other social sciences.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The straly primarily focuses on ways of enhancing democratic governance in Nigeria through a free and fair election.
The study covers all the areas that may foster solution on how to ensure good governance and bring panacea to oval malpractices and other impediments that affects transitional governance in Nigeria.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
The researcher would have carried out a more intensive elaborate and exhaustive study on the subject matter, but due to some factors like finance, time poor attitude of the respondents etc. The study was limited.
The researcher was faced with financial challenges as she has no tangible source of income as a student. By this can conclude that without money it is impossible to achieve anything.
The researcher was limited by time factor. There was no enough time allocated for the submission of the project work in chapters for approval.
Poor attitude of the respondents:
Some of the respondents which were the suppliers of data required for the project work were reluctant in providing the answers to the questionnaires issued to them.
1.9 Definition of Terms
1. Democratic Government:
A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly via a system of representation usually involving periodically held free and fair election
2. Free and fair election:
This is a type of election where a voter is free to cast vote according to his/her wish without any intimidation, harassment, coercion or inducement.
3. Political Turmoil:
A state of political instability or condition of extreme confusion agitation or commotion in the state.
4. Assassination:
To murder by sudden or secret attack usually for impersonal reason.
5. Mediocrity:
The quality or state of being mediocre by elected officer especially in piloting the public affairs.
6. Policy:
Law or statement of action it also referred as a highly diverse set of activities or decisions.
7. Politics:
Politics derived its name from the Greek word ‘Polis' which means ‘city' it is the authoritative allocation of values within a political system, Easton (1971) in other word, it refers to the authoritative determination of who get what how and when.
8. Anarchy:
A state of disorder due to lack of government or control. It was originated from the Greek word ‘an-arkhos' which means without ruler.
9. Rigging:
To manipulate or control an election usually by deceptive or dish ones means.
10. INEC:
it is an acronym, which refers to independent national electoral commission
11. Violence:
it means actions or behaviour involving
Physical force intended to hurt, damage or kill. It can be also refers as element feeling or expression which are often destructive and furious.
12. Verdict:
A formal design made by a tribunal or jury in a court of law as to whether a person is innocent or guilty. It can be also refers as an opinion or judgment made after testing or trying validity of truthfulness of a person by an authorized adjucator over a case.
13. Communique:
It is referred as positive papers that was summarized on the main power and are resolution reached at the end of any conference, seminar or symposium by selected key members of panels.
14 Politicking:
It referred as political activity that takes place in the country.