1.0 Introduction
In ancient days, it was difficult to calculate, safeguard or keep records people were using toes and fingers in counting unite.
According Charles (1980) accounting is the eyes and ears of management accounting is also the language of business, each business must know what accounting is thereby determine measures to control the financial aspect of the business.
Accounting keeps the records or scores of the business. It call for the attention of the problem and opportunities that confront the enterprise. Where action is needed it suggest possible course of action.
History of accounting started when people learnt how to record their activities.
The early scribes made their marks on stone and wax tables, these way keeping records were invented to meet a need of gathering processing and preserving information. The earliest business records merely listed the belonging to some people later records began to show concern about profit and looses on venture income and expenditure were recorded
Further advances in accounting were made by government and church officials it was until 1449 when luca pacioit, a Franciscan monk and an Italian mathematic presented to the world what is known as modern ‘'double entry ‘ he published a book on mathematics called summa mathematics and on it he gave the first computer description a way of keeping good records.
Accounting is a language web to communication to financial system and other information to all interested parties of an organization
The importance of accounting information in expanding our economy cannot be over emphasized since organizations perform vital role in the development of the economy. And for them to effectively carry out these functions they employ system that quicken and promotes their services one of the systems is the introduction of computer in accounting operation as an aid to effective management of organization.
Computer can be define as an electronic device that is capable of accepting data as input process that data and produce information as output and store the information at the storage unit for uses when needed computer is fast accurate and more effective than human beings through it produce only what you feed it (i.e. garbage in garbage out) computer is a kind of mechanical device which on receipt of an input is capable of processing them according to a set of previously supplied instructions and making the output available when desired or needed.
Therefore computerization of accounting system in an establishment will ensure that all relevant information and explanations with respect to financial transactions are effectively processed and recorded. The decision to install this instruction in an organization must be weight with other cost, such as the initial capital outlay maintenance, staffing.
Before installation of computers, an organization system must carefully choose and know its operating system the operating system is the software that gives a life in animate to the hardware in many ways it is the operating system that gives a computer its distinct characteristics.
Today hundreds of organization have seen the need for computerized accounting system, any attempt to keep it away from organizations will course them and other financial institutions that engage in accounting n services a serious problem.
1.1 Statement of the Problem
Has computerization helped in the achievement of efficient management of the organization over the years, there has been the problem of accounting services been manually operated which result to loss of valuable time spent on any accounting transactions and because of poor management efficiency people are discouraged from using these services.
Furthermore, the introduction of computer services has created its own problems which rage from the type of installation, the employment of qualified personnel to operate them, the cost of installation and maintenance and cost of software packages etc.
It is in view of the above problems that adequate case are taken to find solution to these problems the study is intend to assess the important of computerized accounting system in our organization, it is also aimed at ascertaining if there has been improvement in the system in terms of time saving to both the organization and their customers.
1.2 Objective of the Study
The aim of this study is to know how computer aids management in making effective decision, the extent of improvement in the system of accounting operation in organization through computerization.
1.2 Need For The Study
The need for this study is to determine
- If there is basis to sustain the alleged unemployment which will result as computer over take the operations which were previously handed manually.
- To access the benefit enjoyed by customers of the organization through computerization.
- To determine if there has been a significant improvement in the system of operation in out organization through the computerization process.
1.3 Scope of the Study
Computerized accounting system is an activity or process that should be done or adopted by well meaning organization. This study therefore cover the application of computers in our organizations the effect of computerized accounting system in our organization etc.
1.4 Assumption of the Study
The computerized accounting system of an organization stem of the fact that records are used in preparing annual financial statement which are used by the management to know the end of each period.
It is therefore essential that computerized of accounting information in a trim helps to ascertain the reliability accountability efficiency and effectiveness of accounting information.
1.5 Definition of Terms
At this stage, the writer deem it necessary to define the following key terms employed in the work in order to make the reader to easily understand.
This is a means by which management are informed on the financial process of planning and control it involves the process of recording classifying, reporting and interpreting the financial data of an organizations.
This is an electronic device that is capable of solving problems by accepting data, performing prescribed operation on the data and supplying the result of these operation.
This is the total physical aspects of the computer, that is all the parts of computer that can be touched. Example, keyboard the display units the CPU box, the cables, the printers etc.
These are the various programmes or set of instructions given to the computer in order to perform a specific task.
This is the data which have been processed.
Input Device;
This can be machine for transforming by which system are administers it involves letting things done through proper people and channel.
This is a group of people with a specific purpose having pulled their resources together for some business transaction.
This is a set of procedures of inter-restated elements in organization arranged in such a way that the efficient function of the system if ensured.
This is the act of writing the instruction required to make computer do what it is instructed to do.