1.1 Background Into The Study
In light of today's business conditions, motivating people to give their best has become more crucial than ever, because of stiff competition and economic uncertainties. The factor that can set apart an organizationn in this turbulent environment be it in the public or private sectors is its people, therefore establishing and maintaining a stable workforce is a major concern of human resource department.Motivation in the work contextis defined as„‟an individual's degree ofWillingness to exert high level of effort to reach organizational goals‟‟ (Robin and Decenzo, 1995). Naturally, organizations seek out individuals who are motivated to perform well in the workplace. In addition, they hope to employ people who have the ability to motivate others with whom they work; subordinates, peers, and superiors to work harder towards the accomplishment of goals assigned to them. If organizations can motivate employees to become effective problem solvers and to meet or exceed customer expectations, then the organizational goals and objectives can be realized (Havard press 2005).
Worker motivation is essential since there is a direct relationship between motivation and productivity. Only through motivation, can managers‟ help their employees generate the excellent performance that enables companies or organizations to boost profitability and survive –even thrive during tough times. Increased motivation creates the conditions for a more effective workforce, but because work motivation is an interactive process between workers and their work environment, good management and supervision are still critical factors in reaching organizational goals (Hornby and Sidney, 1988).
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
Researchers have studied employee motivation at length; the biggest misconception was that good wages were always the primary motivational factor among employees regardless of the industry by which they are employed (TsangWong.1997. This generalization or supposed knowledge has misdirected frontline supervisors of industrial workers for years (Kovach, 19870).Effective employee motivation has long been one of management most difficult and important duties. Success in this endeavour is becoming more challenging in light of organizational trends to downsize and inrelation to the demands associated with managing a diverse workforce (Kreitner and Kinicki 1992). Employee motivation is a complex process as individuals are complex, diverse and often difficult to predict. No one theory of motivation can explain human motivation particularly across diverse cultures.
The study is therefore aimed at researching into the motivational strategies that exist in the public service/sector and Ghana Airport Company limited in particular.
1.3 Objective Of The Study
- Analyse the importance of motivation on performance (productivity)
- Assess the level of moral among staff in the public sector
- Examine the attitude of management towards job satisfaction and motivation of employees.
- Identify the factors that promote positive motivational behavior among employees.
1.4 Research Questions
- What motivational strategies can you find in the public service?
- What are the factors that motivate employee in Ghana Airports Company?
- What are the impacts of motivation on productivity of employees of Ghana Airports Company?
1.5 Significance Of The Study
The study will help the organization to manage the human resources to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery to suggest and recommend strategies that will motivate and improve productivity in the public service.
1.7 Organisation Of The Study
This study will be presented in five chapters. The first chapter will contain the introduction statement of problem information about Ghana Airports Company Limited, the significance and organization of the study.
The second chapter deals with various theories on motivation and the factors, which enhances employee performance, increased productivity in an organization.
The third chapter describes the sampling technique used to determine the sample size, the population studied, and the instrument used.
The fourth chapter will be the analysis of data and the fifth chapter will present the summary of findings and conclusions and recommendations based on the study.