1.1 Overview of the Study
The essence of this researcher on this particular topic is to know the importance of marketing information system in the achievement of organization objective no meaning full decision is made without information and therefore information is a data that have been processed, interpreted and under stood by the recipient of the massage. This success of any organization is rooted mostly around the amount and quality of information the get. Many scholars believed that to manage a business well is to manage it's future and to manage it's future is to manage information. For that we now look at the important of information:
- Information tend to cover various areas of marketing operational areas
- Information will keep organization afloat on what is happening in the labour market
for that reason, most specialized areas of management have their professional informat6ion system especially with the advent of computer technology in the 1950's which makes it easy to transmit information directly from the operating level to the highest authority without obstructing from point we now define organization as a combination of people or individual effort purposes called organization goal.
Marketing information system (mkis) consist of people, equipment and procedure to gather sort, and analyzed, evaluate and distribute accurate, timely and pertinent information.Differently put, it is an orderly procedure for the regular collection of raw data both internally and externally and conversion of these data for marketing decision.
Data is regularly collected,the are continually updated as environment condition changes.the date are converted into useful information e.g sales figure may be translated into a plan for production in the coming week or for increasing or decreasing the budget for production. Manufacturing organization performance revolves around those types of information and management information that will emphasis on information system as it influence effective performance in the manufacturing organization.
The Nigeria bottling company plc (NBC) has been operating in Nigerian since 1951. it is controlled by leventis group, an organization that has extensive trading and manufacturing interest in Nigeria and West Africa. The company is a multinational company that is into the production of beverage drinks such as coca cola, Fanta, Sprite, Schweppes, Eva water and five Alive. it's head office in Nigeria is located at lddo house, Lagos. It has facilities and over 80 distribution ware houses across Nigeria.The Owerri plant started operation approximately in 1986 in Owerri. It started with the production of coca-cola (coke) Fanta and sprite before other brands were added.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Observation has proved that for an organization to function very well and for it to have dynamic and flexible out come of production it depends largely on the proper use of marketing information system to minimize risk and about failure in manufacturing organization.
The essence of this study is show the relevance of (Mkis) to marketing and in facilitating decision making of marketing and also to determined the extein to which it has enable planning control and operation all functions of an organization planning requires marketing information system, the marketers have to retrieve information accurately from difference reliable sources to enhance quality decision making marketing information system aid the reception.
That most organization don't have effective information system and if they have their information are not effective as to it's role toward goals objective attainment. Most marketers are governed by institution and judgment as to what cause of action to follow in their planning and decision making function, many of them as a matter of facts don't make use of the information supplied to them from within and out side the organization and if they do to some degree, they don't make optimum use of the dada received about the business environment.
There is also problem of evaluating the impact of marketing information system towards the achievement of objective many marketers are yet to capitalize and utilize information for decision making and goals attainment. Therefore the question are as to whether marketing information system enable organizations to achieve their objectives.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to show the relevance of marketing information system to organization and specifically to achieve the following objective.
- To understand how marketing research aids in the achievement of organization objective in marketing performance attainment.
- To ascertain whether the use of marketing in intelligent system contribute significantly to the accuracy of marketing information system.
- To find out whether marketing internal reporting system is for any benefits to achievement of organization objectives.
- To determined the relevance of analytical marketing system to achievement of organization objectives.
- To find out whether the performance of the marketing decision support system enhances the marketing manufacturing organization.
1.4 Research Question
In order to get clearer picture and focus for this we can pose serious question necessary for the solution of the problem we have identified in section ½ above such question include these below.
- Why is marketing information system essential to business organization?
- Why do many business organization need marketing information system
- Is there no organization need marketing information system.
- Do marketers have information system and how efficient is their information system if there are.
1.5 Significant of the Study
In every under taking there must be a purpose or target at which effort are geared to achieve or realize.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The case study for this undertaking is restricted to Nigeria bottling company Plc Owerri office. The finding from the study of relevance of marketing information system (mkis) NBC Owerri will be used to generalize the effectiveness of marketing information system in both NBC branches nation wide and other organization making use of information system.
As the above statement indicate the entire study focuses in (NBC) as an instrument of the federal government in realizing it's goals of making information.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
In an undertaking of this nature it demands that alot of resources, time, energy, intellectual ability and carefulness should be expanded. There is no doubt that there should be limitation and obstacle looming largely ahead trying to prove insurmountable of all the limitation is time factor which tends to the most crucial in spite of the lengthy period allowed. The researcher lots of problem came in between to consume most of the time that would have been useful to the researcher. This ranges from time to financial resources limitations.
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms
Is the identification and satisfaction of consumers needs and wants through exchange process.
Information is anything capable of affecting the uncertainty associated with a given situation
Objective are broad and qualitative statement about the organization performance.
A goal refers to the end toward which activity is aimed.
Data is simply defined as any figure, word, letter, charts or symbols that attempt to convey a condition, situation or idea.
An organization is a combination of people or individual effort, working together in order to achieve an organizational goal.