1.0 Introduction
Effective and Efficient store operation is very closely liked with production and distribution it is a much neglected area of business studies. Yet the store function is a vital part of all industrial organization, public and private utility organization Federal state and local government organization and armed services it must be designed to suit a particular need of the organization it serves.
Having defined a stocks as any space reserved and equipped for holding materials which are awaiting dispatch to customer for further processing or final consumption in most organization, store is a place where all types equipped for holding materials which are awaiting dispatch to customer for further processing or final consumption.
In most organization, store is a place where all types of equipment materials components and supplier needed for production distribute and maintenance, package etc Components distribution, maintenance, packaging etc are received stored and issued to users. A stock control system to be adopted in order to ensure effective and efficient store operation.
In today's business with competitive market, unstable economic condition, controlling cost means the difference between profit and loss. The overall business objective is to maximize profit margin and minimize cost of production and manufacturing. This has led many executives to taking steps in all aspect of their business to reduce cost of materials and stock from a major part of the total investment of an organization.
This is mainly due to the fact that no matter the type of business an organization engages into, whether merchandizing or manufacturing, there must be clearly stock of materials to keep the enterprises going. A manufacturing company form stance cannot exist without raw materials, purchased parts, intermediate parts, sub-assemblies and finished goods ready for shipment.
STOCK control concerns not only individual businesses but affect the economy of the nation holding stock waiting for a time when they would be used in production or manufacturing. As said earlier, it does not immobilize the capital resources, but could generate inventory. Inventory arising from reduction in stock due to reduction in sale could stir up a long chain of reaction affecting the while system. Effective stock control therefore does not only help the enterprises per say, it also influence the whole profitability of the manufacturing company and as well assist in nation's economic development.
I have made some attempt in delving into books and research work done by others to get information on areas the stock controller or manager as the case may be, should be vigilant to effectively use stock control as a management tool for effective and efficient store operation.
The first chapter of this work starts with the introduction after which a brief background of the study, a brief statement of problems, objective of the study, significance of the study, research questions, a clear statement of hypothesis, scope of the study, limitation of the study and as well as the definition of terms.
The chapter two draws ideas from the works of other researchers in the same issue and this is known as literature review.
The chapter three discusses the research methodology, sources and method of data collection, population and sample size, the validity and reliability of measuring instrument and data analysis method.
Chapter four talks about the presentation and analysis of data analysis of data, analysis of data, the test of hypothesis and interpretation of result.
Chapter five talks about the summary, conclusion and recommendation made to the work and finally the bibliography. All theses are intends to be carried out by the researcher in this work.
1.1 Background of the Study
The background of the study is obtained from Unilever Nigeria plc, Aba. This company was known as lever brothers but was later changed to Unilever Nigeria plc. This company is scattered all the Africa continents and beyond. The company is located at No. 2 industrial road Aba. According to Unilever safety employee introduction handbook it was developed in 1958 from a green field site that cover 9.86 hectares of land.
The factory commences operation that same year with the production of hand soap. Consequently, the Aba none soap detergent (NSD) plan was completed with the production of first suit produced in December 1979. It was also extended to existing facilities including workshops, staff canteen and offices.
In 1980, the factory was commissioned with a pomp and pageantry by the formal vice president Dr. Flex Ekwueme and in 1982, another soap making plan was commissioned to replace the batch production that existed hitherto and since then, the company has been growing on the fast lane due to the high demand of its product in the market.
1.2 Statement of Problem
The need for stock control in the contribution to effective and efficient store operation cannot be swept under the carpet.
As mention earlier, stock comprises of raw materials components, sub-assemblies consumable stores, general stores, maintenance materials and spares, work in progress and finished or saleable products. All these items are controlled and managed effectively through the use of stock control as a tool. This therefore, raises very big problems that this work is intended to peer into.
The problems include identifying the essential issues involved in stock control, how stock control can be made to work out in an organization, what the monetary contribution of stock control really is, how to avoid obsolete redundant and surplus stock even stock out and then how it can be used as a tool in attaining the organization objectives. These issues and many more other issues are what I intend to find solution to during the course of this study. These may be categorized thus:
Maintenance Problems:
What are the things needed to make stock control work out? What and which type of stock control technique is best suited for a particular industry.
Inherent Problem:
How can obsolete, redundant and surplus stock be avoided, if they can be dealt with? Other problems that are might arise from excessive stock include:
- Absorption of capital which would have been utilized in other ventures.
- Taking up the whole space in the warehouse or store.
- Determinations of obsolesces.
- Interruption in production and sales.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The research project seeks to achieve the following objectives:
- To find out whether stock control could help in business survival.
- To find out the modalities adopted by organization in achieving its goals.
- To find out the solution as to what to do if the organization is not able to apply stock control method for effective and efficient store control methods for effective and efficient store operations.
- To find out the adverse effect of non-application of stock control techniques in an organization.
- To find out the information and advantages of stock control in attainment of organizational objectives.
- To determine the various ways by which stock control can be carried out in the attainment organizational objectives.
- To find out the various ways, methods and system by which stock control be used as a tool for effective and efficient stores operation.
1.4 Significance of the Study
A naira in the bank is worth two in the inventory and it usually cost more to stock too little than it does to stock too much. Stock control is an important expressive activity which often neglected and in directed in many organization both in the public and private sectors.
It is an area where modern stores management techniques could be used to advantages in reducing cost and ensuring increased profit ability for an organization.
In modern supply management, stock control is the real control function; it encompasses all the basic aims of the store operation.
The basic aims of the store control is quite simple, the basic concept of stock control is quite simple, the right material in the right quality, of the right quantity, at the right time to the right place and to the right price. The element of the cost in relation to stock control also plays a vital role.
Stock controls supply a constant flow of materials to the operation. It ensures correct quantity of stock required. Stock control ensures that the goods require for the different operation are made available at the point of consumption. It also supply information for control at production and control rotation. Stock rotation is the process of making sure that materials are used in the correct order and in accordance with shelf-life–by date;
The importance of this stock control has led the researcher to doing some work in the topic the study will enable not only those in a more organized business environment but also the small enterprise with little or no skill in the area of inventory control and management to enable them understand the contribution of inventory in achieving organizational objectives.
1.5 Research Questions
The purpose of these questions is to focus the study well and direct the researcher in what data to look for. The following questions have been recessed by the course of the study such questions are;
- Dose a good stock control system contribute to the profitability of the organization?
- Can stock control as a management tool ensure efficiency in store operation?
- Is stock control essential for efficient accounting system especially for material aspect of cost accounting?
- Does stock control eliminates duplication in ordering and encourages better utilization of availability of materials?
1.6 Statement of Hypothesis
This is a decorative statement which gives every event a fair and equal chance of occurring. It is a conjectural proposition which needs to be tested before an influence can be drawn Ahukan and Ugorji{2008;162}.
The following hypothesis will be tested in the course of this study. The null hypothesis (hi) the null hypothesis is described as the negative assumption of the project while the attentive hypotheses denote the positive assumption of the result like.
Hypothesis 1
- Ho: Stock control does not contribute to the profit of the organization.
- Hi: Stock Control contributes to the profit of the organization.
Hypothesis II
- Ho: Stock control as a management tool does not ensure efficiency in stores operation in a manufacturing company.
- Hi: Stock control as a management tool ensures efficiency in stores operation in a manufacturing company.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study embraces all activities of the stock controller in an organization.
Furthermore, this research work will cover the areas on how stock control system will be used in Nigeria to help the industries and manufacturing companies achieve their objective. It will also focus on ensuring that stock control is used as a management tool for efficient stores operation in a manufacturing company.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
So many factors militate against the researcher not being able to carry out fully the research work on the subject as it should be done. These factors include;
The time allowed for this work was considerably too short to enable him cover the necessary area.
Financial Constraint:
Additionally, the researcher encountered a financial constraint. The finance requires to carry out the research work in some areas of the state was not enough making it uneasy for the researcher to accomplish much.
There is also the reluctance of some organization to disclose some vital information concerning their firms, all these contributed to a great extent to the inability of the researcher to carryout the study on the project.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Contain terms are associate with a good stock control system such terms include;
This refers to the building set aside for keeping material regarding its safety.
This refers to the time internal between when an order is placed and period of receipt of the order.
This refers to the semi-finished goods. It is obtainable in a situation where a balance flow of production is not possible.
Ran Materials:
This has to do with those items which are transformed into finished goods. Stock: These are items held in the stores.
This has to do with a term which Americans used for stock that are kept or stored for use as the need arises.
This refers to the left over of stock which cannot be used immediately in the operation.
This refers to the unwanted materials that are out of use in the store.
This is the act of worsening the situation of the goods items in the store.