1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
The Introduction of the 9-3-4, the junior secondary school, senior secondary school coupled with the ever changing curriculum, calls for the need for professional teachers.
Teaching practice is a six credit unit compulsory course for final year N.C.E and post graduates Diploma (TIC) Students of the college of Education and Faculties of Education in our Universities. Teaching practice may be described as the practical aspect of teacher Education design to give the student teacher an opportunity relating to the principles of Education.
Teaching Practice course takes in the first semester of the final year.
The colleges post N.C.E Students, out of various Secondary schools and the TTC Student to other college of Education. The Student are given a one day orientation course in the college as soon as they are about to proceed on teaching practice. The orientation program is geared toward briefing Student on what to expect and do while on teaching practice.
For anybody who attempted education course(s) either in a university or college of education must undergo “Teaching Practice”. This is because it is an integral part of the major course towards certification. The aim of teaching Practice is to expose the students to practical teaching experience for “experience is said to be the best teacher”.
The theoretical knowledge acquired by the students is to be demonstrated practically during teaching practice exercise given advice about what to look for, what to do and how to behave generally.
Hooper and Johnson (1973) argued that a major function of such experience is implementation of social control that by means of teaching practices, students are brought face to face with the realities of schooling and the conservation nature of the school system. However, before students go on teaching practice it is observed that most of them will be exercising one fear or another due to various reasons.
Student teachers normally think of how to teach for effective understanding by the pupil. Student teacher will think of how to cope with different behaviors of the students in the schools they are posted to.
Teaching Practice supervision is done by all qualified academic staff of the college, the qualified is based on having a maximum of post graduate diploma in education.
1.2 Statement Of Problem
The problem facing teaching student after graduating and bound with some effect and felling. It is common to see that student teachers face many challenges and obstacle during their teaching practice.
Also during the teaching practice, there should be through and sound orientation for the student before the teaching practice that will enhance the smooth running of their training exercise.
It is important to note that graduate teachers without teaching practice orientation and lecture are going to face many challenges and problem during their work experience.
In other words the study will focus on the likely logistic problems involving and seek for useful suggestion on how to overcome the problems that will be faced by the student after graduating
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
It is hope that this study will have impact on teaching practice exercise on the productivity of qualified secondary school teachers. One of the factors which influence the choice of topic from this project is to look at the important and the benefit derived from teaching practice the study will influence student’s performance in their academics when they get back to their colleges and it will affect their performance when they get out into full teaching.
Another factor is also the conviction that student teachers have useful knowledge to offer pupils andthe schools where they are attached to some are very skeptical about the performance of student teachers because they are still under training.
Lastly to suggest some possible ways of solving the problems that face teaching practice.
1.4 Significant Of Study
The study is significant, that it tends to reflect the impact of teaching practice exercise on the productive of qualified school teachers. It is equally of importance to all the concern members, school management, Government, Student teacher and school Students.
1.5 Research Questions
- What are the relationship between experiences student teachers and their productivity?
- Is there any relationship between student teacher activity in their colleges and their performance during teaching practice?
- Is there any relationship between training received by student teachers in the college and their impact on the student they are going to teach?
1.6 Research Hypothesis
HO1: There is no significant relationship between inexperience student teachers and their productivity in Lagos State Senior Secondary School.
HO2: There is no significant relationship between student teachers activity in their college and their performance during teaching practice.
HO3: There is no significant relationship between the training received by the teacher in their college and their impact on the students they are teaching in Lagos State senior secondary schools.
1.7 Scope And Delimitation Of The Study
The study will be limited to five secondary schools in Alimosho local Government Area of Lagos state due to time and finance. Another factor is cost in running many institutions.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
Lesson Note:
It is a note written down by a student teacher, to plan his or her lesson for the week.
Student Teacher:
This is a student still undergoing teachers’ education, who is being sent out to secondary school as part of his or her training in the college.
This is a group of children being taught.
This is a place where group of learners stay in school. It is a place where students are being taught.
Teaching Practice:
This is the practical aspect of teacher education designed to give the student teacher an opportunity to put into practice certain theories related to the principle and practice of education. It is a six unit compulsory course for NCE student and post Graduate Diploma student (TTC)and faculty of Education student of our universities.