1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Mbaitolu became a local government in 1989 with it's headquarters at Nwaorieubi (during) by Ibrahim Babangida regime. This local government since 1989 had about eighteen different administration of regime made up of thirty autonomous communities namely: Amanike mberi, ezi mbieri, awo mberi, ihite mberi, umueze mberi, isi ogbaku,obinze, ubonum, umunoha, obinoha, Azara, zfeakala, nkwanu, ogbunom, Afara, Amaochafara, Ezinza and it has a population of three million, nine thousand people. This area have their peculiar problems such as lack of electricity, portable water, bad roads, dilapidated infrastructures etc among other problem.
Mbaitolu local government area has meager revenue base these administration have tried to grapple with the problem on high turnover rate of administration has impacted negatively on the community policies for the development of Mbaitolu local government area.
The expediency for the creation of local government anywhere in the word starts from the need to facilitate development at the grass root. The importance of local government is a function of its ability to generate sense of belonging, safety and satisfaction among its populace. All forms of government, regimes or political system have so far ensured the attainment of goals. Such strategy for ensuring national administrative development and political efficiency is found in the concept and practice of local government. Whatever is made of government, local government has been essentially regarded as the path to, and guarantee of national integration, administration and development.
In Nigeria, social-political context with multiplicity of culture, diversity of languages and differentiated needs and means, the importance of such an organization is fostering the needed national consciousness, unity and relative uniformity as well as presentation of peculiar diversities cannot be overemphasized central too the creation of local government, however, it's ability to facilitate an avenue through which government and the people intermix, relate quickly than any other means to resolve issues that may have healed the system. Local government has been perceived as a panacea for the diverse problem of the diverse problem of diverse people with diverse culture. As important as this tier of government has been, there seems to be some impediments range from political but undue interference of the higher levels of government i.e. federal and state government, bribery and corruption to embezzlement and gross inadequacy of well trained Personnel. Frequent changes in local government administration and qualified personnel to mention a few.
1.2. Statement of the Problem
The problems of local government administration have been a bane to national and grass root developments. The essence of local government creation as the third tier of government was to ensure effectiveness, measurable and efficient service delivery to the people. But local government is faced with various difficulties such as the following as identified by the researcher. Those problem ranges from political but undue interference of higher level of government i.e. federal and state government, bribery and corruption to embezzlement and gives inadequately well trained personnel.
For the purpose of the research question which are of great relevance to the actualization of the objectives of the work.
- Why was Mbaitolu local government created?
- What are the main sources of Mbaitolu local government revenue?
- What is the impact of frequency changes of local government administrator and the frequent changes on social transformation?
- What is the level of local/state government relationship especially as it concerns Mbaitolu local government?
- What are the causes of local government problems?
- How can these problems be eliminated?
1.3. Objectives of the Study
The researcher work is strutted to achieve the following objectives.
- To determine the degree in development of communities from the execution development project by Mbaitolu government.
- To ascertain the level of regularity and adequacy of all constitutionally approve revenue source and their capability in execution of development project Mbaitolu local government communities.
- To examine the political and economic linkages between the frequent charges of local government administration and the intent of the state chief executor.
- To determine the level of corruption in Mbaitolu L.G.A
- To determine the extent of the third tier-ship status and autonomy of Mbaitolu government from the state and financial government.
- To find out the seriousness of the citing of Mbaitolu government chairman on the acquired project liabilities irritated but uncompleted by the executives.
- This research will also try to strike a balance between achievement in military of the political history of local government is people oriented.
1.4 Research Question
- Are there development policies tagged on the entire (31) automous communities of Mbaitolu L.G.A
- Can development policy be properly implemented if there is policy continuity in the council of Mbaitolu local government area?
- Are development policies properly executed to touch the lives of the generality of Mbaitolu local government area citizens?
- Is the cause of frequent change in Mbaitolu local government linked on lack of revenue?
1.5. Significance of the Study
This study will be important to researchers, policy makers and administrative because it seeks to unveil the problems of local government administration through harnessing all those neglected function allocated to her by the 1979 constitution. This rsearch work will make way for the realization that continuity in planning and programs matters on who initiated it, makes for accelerated development of the entire autonomous communities in Mbaitolu local government area.
1.6. Scope of the Study
The scope of this is limited to the problems of local government administration. A case study of Mbaitolu local government area.
1.7. Limitations of the Study
The limitations of the research work contains constraints encountered during the duration of this project. Some of the restraints experienced are given below:
1. Time:
this was a major constraints on the work research needed attention was not given to the work due to academic work that faced the researcher being an ND finalist
2. Finance:
owing to the financial difficulty prevalent in the country and its resultants increase in the prices of commodities, transportation fare, research materials etc.
3. Information Constraints:
Generally, Nigeria researchers have never had it easy when it comes to obtaining necessary information related to their field of study.
1.8. Definition of Terms
To avoid ambiguity and salting away understanding, some concepts have been defined to enhance their operation. They are:
1. local government:
This means the government at the local or grassroots government exercised through elected representative to perform specific functions. Awa(1980)
2. Local Government Administration:
This is an administration, at the rural settings. It is an administration mapped out for developmental purposes through elective personnel's who are elected to run the affairs of local people through the use of constitutional percussions and by-laws.
3. problem:
Are those crisis and need that human beings faced in life.
4. Government:
Government is a body of persons expected to carryout the day —to-day administration of the affairs of the state which involves making, interprtating and enforcing a law in a given society.
5. Administration:
This could be defined as a process, procedures and manner in which a constitutional authority manages and direct a particular organization in order to achieve it's aims and objectives.
This is a law made by local authorities (local government).