1.1 Introduction
This research is about the curative efficiency of drugs and herbs against malaria. This parasite; malaria is a very common disease in tropical and sub-tropical regions. It has killed millions of people and still on the realm of the livings causing abnormality in human health. However, this research has about five chapters and each chapter revolves on the subject matter. The subsequent chapter is the review of literature about malaria.
Moreover, the procedure with which the research were carried out successfully were therein for the readers, followed by the presentation and analysis of the research. in the last chapter, it's about the summary, conclusions, findings and recommendations as regards to the whole work.
1.2 Background of the Study
With the number of trials and tribulations in the life, it is often difficult to remember that people living in this nation are suffering from misfortune as well. Amidst the concern is the incessant flu there is much larger crisis at large in this country Nigeria; Malaria.
Malaria is defined in African Encyclopedia as “an infectious disease that is caused by parasite that live in the liver and red blood cells of human being. The disease is very common in tropic and sub-tropic countries and is spread by female mosquitoes of the genus anopheles. The effects of this disease ruins human life and put many to early death. The disease results to dangerous complications, such as cerebral malaria (which affects the brain and makes the patient unconscious), black water fever (which damages the kidney and makes the urine dark in colour) and also reduce the functions of the immune system and many more. To effect of this disease, researchers were motivated and went proclaimed to be effective to fight malaria disease. Regards to the two anti-malaria medicines discovered, individuals that suffer the disease were in dilemma.
The medicine doctor will lay hold on drugs and herbalist will also depend on herbs for treating malaria. Both professioners regard their individual medicine superior to their opponent. The primarily circumstance circumferenced this issue becomes that, the patients do not have reliable facts as to the individual efficiency of drugs and herbs for treating malaria. They only rely on what their mindset or consultants tells them as best medicine for malaria, unknowing if there would be after effect which may crop up should the particular medicine were used for the treatment.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
Today, we have drugs and herbs for the treatment of malaria. But in a critical appraised to this work, problems necessitated follows the way people diagnose malaria prior treatment, the side effects associated to both medicines (drugs) and herbs), the particular medicine patients rely mostly to treat malaria, the curative efficiency of drugs and herbs and how do people resist to malaria infections.
1.4 Research Questions
In view of the above problems, the following research questions were considered necessary
- How do people diagnose malaria prior treatment?
- How do they treat malaria?
- How efficiency is the medicines used in the treatment of malaria?
- What are the side effects associated to those medicines?
- How do people prevent themselves from mosquito bite?
- How many days do patients take to recover.
1.5 Justification of the Study
- This research is important to the readers and patients infected by malaria, as it reaches forth compendium on result of the research work carried on the curative efficiency of drugs and herbs against malaria.
- to the readers who are opportune to read this research work, it will acquaint him/her on the malaria and drugs and herbs effects.
- to the governments, it will provide them the basic step to policy or decision regards to malaria cases and its anti-malaria medicines.
- To patients, the findings and recommendations will be a focus point each time they have the symptom or diagnosed of malaria. Hence, the study will inculcate them on the circumstances circumferenced the medicines (drugs and herbs)
1.6 Scope of the Study
The bounding mapped out for this study was Aba North Local Government Area, Abia State. From this geographical area understudy, a large sample size (n>30) were randomly drawn and surveyed.
The study involves primary data collection with questionnaires, interview and observation method of data collection to obtain data for the analysis. A fragment of the population were studied instead of the entire population at large in order to reduce constraint that may limit the research work. With the sample drawn we can make generalization about the entire population.
1.7 Objective of the Study
Consequently upon the identified problems of this study, the research had the basic objective measures of;
- To ascertain the independent efficacy of drugs and herbs against malaria.
- To identify the major side effects of drugs and herbs.
- To ascertain the number of days a particular medicine cures malaria.