1.1 Background Of The Study
Organizations with varying philosophies and objectives are usually set up for specific purposes. The extent to which these organizations can realize their objectives depends substantially on the ability of their leaders in marrying the goals of such organizations with the goals of the individuals in them. As a result, the whole objectives of human resources management is to secure from the employees maximum performance in terms of the predetermined objectives and for employees to be committed in their duties, they have to be motivated by their employers.
Since the authoritarian way of leading people in a work situation do not longer succeed in today’s business world, hence for employees to work effectively in today’s organization, there is a need for organization to pay serious attention to motivation. Hence this research work tilled “Staff Motivation and Employee Productivity in Public Sectors” is aimed at viewing employees in different companies or organizations and how they are motivated by their different employers.
Employers are faced with needs, desires, motives and expectations which are activators or energizers of behaviour. Deficiencies in the needs and in, the proportions in which they are needed by employees create a state of disequilibrium or tension. By adopting certain behaviours, the individual tries to return to a state of equilibrium. This is the real orientation component of the definition when incentives and reinforcement are provided by management as a result of behavioural consequences or outcomes, then through a feedback top, the inner state is modified and the new state evaluated again against the needs desire etc to give rise to a new behaviours.
According to Abraham Maslow, man never seems satisfied. He is forever restlessly fulfilling needs and one success seems to be a spring board for another round of pursuit. The theory suggested give categories of needs which are: Physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. He said that employees are only motivated when their needs at any point in time are provided.
Elton mayo and his associates, through the Hawthorne plant experiment claim that Taylor’s scientific management theory paid insufficient attention to human factor in productivity. According to them economic motives was less important than emotional attitude and factors. The studies suggest that motivation and productivity are the result of complex behavior pattern and can be influenced by many variable. Therefore, in order to produce need satisfaction and to motivate, one must know to what incentives people will be responsive and the working environment must be structured as to provide opportunities for the satisfaction of these needs (Cole, 1991).
Correspondingly, it is the hope of and belief of the researcher that if employers want their employees to perform effectively, they should reciprocate by providing the necessary incentives. If this is done the problem of poor performance of employees would be drastically minimized.
1.2 Statement Of Problem
When employees in public organization are not positively induced by way of motivation, productivity no doubt is bound to be affected negatively.
A company or organization that is business oriented want profit and if the profit is at the expense of the employees, it is more likely that it will not survive for a long time. Inadequate motivational scheme in public sector can lead to non-accomplishment of organization goals.
However, this research was embarked upon using ministry of education to know the relevance of motivation in an organization.
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
This research work hopes to achieve the following objectives.
- To find out how motivation affect productivity in an organization.
- To determine the motivational technique that would be required for the effectiveness. In the organization.
- To determine the impact of motivation on worker’s performance.
1.4 Research Questions
- How does training and development programmes enhance the growth and development of both employees and the organization?
- What is the impact of effective communication between the minister and his subordinate?
- What factors can affect effective performance and high productivity?
- How does low staff welfare scheme affect the achievement of organizational objectives?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
- Training and development programmes can enhance the growth and development of both employees can the organization.
- Effective communication between the minister and his subordinate can enhance organizational productivity.
- There is a relationship between effective performance and increased organizational productivity.
- There is a significance relationship between welfare package and achievement of organizational objectives.
1.6 Scope Of Study
The research is limited to the study of how staff motivation and employee productivity is carried out in public sector using ministry of as a comparative case studies.
1.7 Significant Of The Study
This research work will be beneficial to the following people.
Government will benefit from this study as this will help in the area of employees motivation.
Student will benefit from this study as this will serve as stepping atone for further research work. The entire populace will immensely benefit from this study because it will serve as an eye opener as to the various factors that affects employee’s productivity in the Nigeria public sector. This study is also a contribution to organized body of knowledge.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
1) Motivation:
This is a latin word “Movere” which means “to move”. It could be defined as the needs, derive with an employee that defines his behaviour and the goal towards which this behaviour is directed it is an inner state that energizes, activates, or move and that direct or channel behaviour towards goals.
2) Organization:
Is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delaying responsibility, authority and establishing relationships for the purpose of cabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives.
3) Communication:
It could be define as the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver with the information being understood by the receiver.
4. Incentives:
Incentives is define as that which incites or tending to incite an employee to determination or action.
5. Performance:
Performance relative to how efficiently corporate assets have been managed.
1.9 Organization Of Study
Chapter one (1) is title general introduction; this chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem research objective, research question. Research hypothesis, it has the scope of the study significance of the study and definition of terms.
Chapter two (2) is title review of related literature; it contains all related literature and researches that has been done concerning motivation, views of previous writers and scholars. Chapter two also contains the conceptual framework and theoretical framework relevant to this topic and finally the summary of the chapter.
Chapter three (3) is titled methodology, it states the methods through which data will be collected, it has the research design, population of the study, sample and sampling procedures, data collection instrument, administration of data collection instrument,procedure for data analysis.
Chapter four is title, data presentation/ analysis and interpretation. This chapter contains the data of respondents according to research questions, presentation and discussion of findings.
Chapter five (5) is titled summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations. Here results of findings, conclusion, recommendation and finally suggestions for further studies will be stated.
The preliminary pages are the last to be written in this research work but it comes before chapter one. The preliminary pages contain; Title page, Abstract, certification, dedication, acknowledgement and table of contents.